Salacia plant King kothala pioneer,株式会社盛光Are.
We are self-employed kothala King salacia plants of that belief.
We are a pioneer company with 21 years of experience in manufacturing and selling Kotarahimbutu products made by processing and manufacturing raw materials imported from Sri Lanka in Japan. In addition, we grasp the differences in the characteristics of trunks and leaves of raw materials and manufacture health foods, cosmetics, and foods that make use of these characteristics.
Quality natural materials to manufacture products that provide Unleavened extra ingredients as much as possible. Also has product development based on the evidence obtained from the academia, 5 patents and has obtained trademarks 1.
We point out that relatively soon and try it, you can feel the effects. Including the strong relationship between gut environmental improvements to the workings of the brain and immune function and reduce the absorption of sugars and lipids and oxidation effect on the flagship high-performance products, are very popular in the anti-aging market.
It is our hope awarded feel the splendor of our products to more and more people.


  • 【Emergency Notice】

    2023September 5 -

    拝啓 時下ますますご清栄のこととお喜び申し上げます。 平素は格別のご高配を賜り厚く御礼申し上げます。 さて、弊社は創業以来21年にわたり皆様のご厚情を頂いて今日まで事業を続けてまいりましたが、事務所・倉庫の老朽化を踏まえ、諸般の事情に鑑み、急遽2023年9月30日をもちまして廃業いたすことになりました。 皆様の温かいご支援の中での突然の選択となりましたが、何卒ご理解賜りますようお願い申し上げます。...